Having clear goals and objectives is perhaps one of the most recurrent themes that we find in books on self-improvement and organizational development. However, it is one of the most ignored as well.

We focus on mastering the use of tools such as time management, strategic planning, leadership, technology, etc., and with this we want to design the direction and strategy with which we walk through personal and company life.

However, if we do not really know what our destination is, the above is of no great value. We will be building paths through trial and error, spending time and energy, only to change direction over and over again, wasting the potential we have to become the best version we can be of ourselves and our companies.

Let’s stop to “sharpen the axe.” Let’s dedicate quality time to reflect deeply and define precisely what we want our destination to be, and then we have to apply all the tools and strategies that will lead us to it.


Most of the things that happen in our lives are out of our control. However, the effect they will have on our lives depends largely on the way we react to them. It is there where we have the power that sometimes we do not capture, it is not what happens to us, it is how we DECIDE to respond to it.

Do we get scared and run away or do we face problems and solve them ? are we paralyzed by fear, or do we take them as a challenge that strengthens our resilience?
Recognizing first that we can do it and then making the decisions that need to be made is not easy, let alone comfortable. We need to stop blaming others, or fate, for the situation that guards our lives and accept responsibility that what happens in them is the result of the choices we make, or don’t make. The drivers of our lives are ourselves.

May this phrase always be in our consciousness in this year that is just beginning and may we all have the courage to apply it to release the tremendous power it has, so much so, to change our lives and turn them into what we want them to be.
Why did we publish this with the signature of NDC? Because we believe that a better person will always be a better CEO or General Manager and if you apply these principles in your personal life you will also do them in your company, with the same results.


Nearshoring is the global trend of companies to bring their production closer to their end markets to avoid risks and costs. Mexico is a country that is already registering the interest and arrival of a large number of companies looking to get closer to the largest market in the world.

The possibility that Asian aquaculture companies are going to be part of the nearshoring that is already manifesting itself in Mexico is very real.

Mexican entrepreneurs must be aware of this and prepare for competition, developing more cost-efficient companies and with well-structured and organized marketing strategies.

I share with you the column published in the most recent issue of the magazine Panorama AcuĂ­cola, Nov-Dec 2023, republished on my Medium Blog.

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