According to data revealed by Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, catches in commercial fisheries in 2023 were around 3.7 million tonnes, which represents a drop of 4.3% compared to catches in 2022 and is also the third consecutive year of declines. Today’s pequera catch is only 30% of what it was four decades ago, in 1984, when fishing was at its peak.

Scientists from the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology indicate that Japan’s fish catch is declining at a rate that, if it continues, will reach almost zero by 2050.

Unfortunately, this situation is playing out in many parts of the world as natural fisheries reach their maximum sustained catch at the same time as demand increases.

Information like this is what reaffirms and reminds us more and more of the importance of aquaculture as a tool for food security and conservation of natural fish and shellfish populations.

The solution is not to build more boats or expand fishing areas, but to establish public policies and support programs that are forceful and promote research, innovation and development of world aquaculture in all its forms.



Ocean 14 Capital announced a few days ago that its Fund 1 reached its capitalization target of €200 million, becoming the largest specialized fund worldwide for the blue economy.

Ocean 14 Capital, a venture capital and growth equity private equity fund, which focuses on promoting a sustainable and regenerative approach to using ocean resources for economic purposes.

The fund invests in ocean-related companies and technologies, with key interests in aquaculture, sustainable fisheries, alternative proteins, marine flora and circular plastics.

By 2030, the blue economy is projected to employ more than 40 million people worldwide and reach a value of $3 trillion. (billion millions).



After several months of trying to match, I finally had the opportunity to meet with Karlotta Rieve, Project Manager at Hatch Blue.

Hatch Blue, with offices around the world, is a globally recognized company dedicated to investment in aquaculture and alternative investments in seafood. Its Hatch I and Hatch II Funds have focused on emerging companies, start-ups, and the Blue Revolution Fund, which is about to start, will focus on venture capital.

The firm offers acceleration programs aimed at companies involved in sustainable solutions and consulting services to companies and governments around the world through its business unit, Hatch Innovation Services.

Karlotta is a person with an energy and enthusiasm for her work that is contagious. For years I have followed his work focused mainly on the macroalgae cultivation industry worldwide. She is the author and contributor to several publications that are industry benchmarks and continuously participates in international forums sharing her vision of the great potential of macroalgae.

I expressed NDC’s interest in developing channels that allow the flow of investment to projects related to the aquaculture value chain in Latin America and the Caribbean. In the same way, we had a very productive exchange of ideas and visions to generate schemes that allow the commercial cultivation of tropical macroalgae in Latin America.

Karlotta has a very complicated agenda, when she is not in Korea, she is in Indonesia, India, Norway, the United Kingdom or the Philippines, among others. That is why I thank you for giving me the opportunity for this meeting.

Being two people infected by the same virus (that of passion for aquaculture) it was to be expected that we would lack time. However, the commitment to continue developing these issues and exploring collaboration between Hatch and NDC remained on the table and very firm….. This story continues.


Based in the Netherlands, and with operations in Alaska, New Zealand and Namibia, Kelp Blue is a company that grows the macroalgae known as Kelp (Macrosystis spp), which is mainly used for the production of biofertilizers and biostimulants, although it has other very important potential uses such as alginates to produce bioplastics. Kelp Blue is in the process of issuing a US$80 million Carbon Bond to finance the installation and operation of 1,000 hectares of Kelp in Namibia.

The carbon credit is a different financial instrument from carbon credits, since they are loans from investors that the company receives with the obligation to return them with interest within a set period. The fact that the resources are allocated to a specific objective that contributes to the mitigation of climate change due to the high carbon absorption capacity of this macroalgae, makes it very attractive among environmentally conscious investors who favor this type of project.

This example shows us the great financing potential that carbon credits represent for aquaculture, especially regenerative agriculture. At the COP28 meeting on climate change that is currently taking place in Dubai, the strengthening of carbon markets has been defined and important financing mechanisms are established for activities that contribute to the capture of carbon from the environment.

XII Firma 2023 online


Felicito a mi amigo el Dr. César Lodeiros Seijo y todo su equipo organizador por el gran éxito del XII FIRMA 2023, evento virtual que contó con el registro de más de 7,000 personas y en el que se presentaron conferencias magistrales y mesas de discusión de temas de suma importancia para nuestro sector.

Agradezco por la oportunidad brindada para presentar en este evento una conferencia magistral con respecto a los mercados de carbono y su potencial futuro para la pesca y acuacultura. Estos mercados poco a poco se consolidan como una alternativa de ingresos para la actividad acuícola y pesquera.

Felicidades de nueva cuenta por este gran esfuerzo de organización y coordinación. Pendientes para la XIII edición !!

XII Ibero-American Forum on Marine Resources and Aquaculture

I would like to thank the organizers of the XII Ibero-American Forum on Marine Resources and Aquaculture for providing me with the space to present the Keynote Lecture “Carbon markets and their potential impact on fisheries and aquaculture”.

This is a topic of great relevance in other economic sectors worldwide, but it is just beginning to be known in our sector. The generation of carbon certificates for subsequent commercialization in specialized markets can not only be a source of financing for fishing and aquaculture operations, but also a great contribution to the sustainability of these activities.

I invite you to review the entire program, there are a variety of topics of importance that will surely be of great interest.

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VIII Workshop on Financing in Aquaculture, a great success.

Organized by the U.S. Soybean Exporters Council (USSEC), the VIII Aquaculture Investment Workshop was held in Miami a few days ago. This high-level event brought together 100 experts and specialists in various aspects of aquaculture, who gathered to discuss four topics in panels: Opportunities and Challenges, Technology and Innovation, Access and Relevant Market Issues, and Financing, Banking and Investment. It was discussed how these issues impact the current situation and prospects of aquaculture globally, as well as their influence on the flow of investment into this sector. Soon I will share, in this space, some of the conclusions and highlights of this meeting.

Roberto Arosemena, President and CEO of NDC Consulting Group participated as Coordinator and Moderator of the Access and Relevant Market Issues Panel, sharing with high-level experts such as George Chamberlain, Roberto F., Stephen Gunther, Aidan Connolly, José Antonio Camposano, Pablo K., Patrick Bornhausen Roulet, Daniel Benetti, Alfredo Nicastro, among others.

Congratulations to USSEC, Jairo Amézquita and the entire team for once again carrying out an event characterized by its impeccable organization and coordination.

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Chamberlain from Global Aquaculture Alliance

I was very happy to meet my friend George Chamberlain again at the recent USSEC event in Miami. Looking back, I remembered that we met in 1996 during the meeting of the World Aquaculture Society in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, when he was its president.

At that meeting, of which for some reason, I have a clear memory, an unscheduled meeting was held in which George began to socialize the idea of creating an organization dedicated to promoting sustainability in aquaculture. The following year, this vision was concretized in the formation of the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA), of which George was president until recently.

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Business Formality Favors the Capitalization of Companies.

I share with you my column in the January-February edition of Panorama Acuícola, where we commented on the importance of business formality of aquaculture companies to facilitate private investment in them. If you are interested in learning more about the subject and the investment options that your company may have, contact me, we will be happy to talk.


I recommend you to read the entire magazine, there is a lot of valuable information, send me an email and I will gladly send you the complete magazine in PDF. On page 50 you will find the full column.

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