After several months of trying to match, I finally had the opportunity to meet with Karlotta Rieve, Project Manager at Hatch Blue.

Hatch Blue, with offices around the world, is a globally recognized company dedicated to investment in aquaculture and alternative investments in seafood. Its Hatch I and Hatch II Funds have focused on emerging companies, start-ups, and the Blue Revolution Fund, which is about to start, will focus on venture capital.

The firm offers acceleration programs aimed at companies involved in sustainable solutions and consulting services to companies and governments around the world through its business unit, Hatch Innovation Services.

Karlotta is a person with an energy and enthusiasm for her work that is contagious. For years I have followed his work focused mainly on the macroalgae cultivation industry worldwide. She is the author and contributor to several publications that are industry benchmarks and continuously participates in international forums sharing her vision of the great potential of macroalgae.

I expressed NDC’s interest in developing channels that allow the flow of investment to projects related to the aquaculture value chain in Latin America and the Caribbean. In the same way, we had a very productive exchange of ideas and visions to generate schemes that allow the commercial cultivation of tropical macroalgae in Latin America.

Karlotta has a very complicated agenda, when she is not in Korea, she is in Indonesia, India, Norway, the United Kingdom or the Philippines, among others. That is why I thank you for giving me the opportunity for this meeting.

Being two people infected by the same virus (that of passion for aquaculture) it was to be expected that we would lack time. However, the commitment to continue developing these issues and exploring collaboration between Hatch and NDC remained on the table and very firm….. This story continues.


Having clear goals and objectives is perhaps one of the most recurrent themes that we find in books on self-improvement and organizational development. However, it is one of the most ignored as well.

We focus on mastering the use of tools such as time management, strategic planning, leadership, technology, etc., and with this we want to design the direction and strategy with which we walk through personal and company life.

However, if we do not really know what our destination is, the above is of no great value. We will be building paths through trial and error, spending time and energy, only to change direction over and over again, wasting the potential we have to become the best version we can be of ourselves and our companies.

Let’s stop to “sharpen the axe.” Let’s dedicate quality time to reflect deeply and define precisely what we want our destination to be, and then we have to apply all the tools and strategies that will lead us to it.


Development of aquaculture and agribusiness investment projects, Market Studies, Strategic Planning, Strengthening and Development of Human Capital, Design of Public Policy, Regulatory Framework and Ordering for Governments, Due Diligence, Private Capital Raising and Financing, Management and Compliance with Environmental Regulations, Lobbying (exclusive service in Mexico), Accompaniment and facilitation of foreign investment, and Advising Universities and Higher Education Centers in the strengthening of their academic and research programs